Tuesday, September 18, 2012

sports jersey sale Du Shenli pull down the goggles

ike Chaodou explosive sound weak wave of smoke pouring from the front of the machine gun muzzle direction is quickly airflow blowing without a trace of two rows of light point jump from the smoke out, arranged in fan head off into the bush, Jijian starting point spark. chase with the points of light, sea holly, rubbing trees over a slightly short-wave antenna tower shake it swept through the storm a few shake, trembling lies on the side, but it has not fallen.
Obviously do not have the manipulation of Du Shenli with sea holly behind the pilot, did not arrive nearly shot of courage, only 1000 meters away hastily called long burst on the ground out of the dusty, can not afford to have tilt the mast and then to kick.
Already expect results Dushen Li shook his head helplessly, joystick tug in the end, push the throttle to maximum storm engine muffled roar suddenly become a high-pitched howl,sports jersey sale, jumps into the sea holly, almost straight climb up, then quickly down to buckle down somersault movements Dushen Li to get a second chance to attack in the shortest time: a distance of about 400 meters away from the short-wave antenna tower,baseball uniform, sea holly and swing a few machine head, gently buckle motivation gun trigger, shortwave antenna tower was finally able to survive, came tumbling down.
Du Shenli pull down the goggles, complacent in the air to do a roll, to celebrate, but inadvertently saw on the ground of personal video flash, then disappeared in a thicket.
push the joystick at the same time light tread left rudder, sea

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